Wastewater Treatment Plants


Abuja WWTP – Nigeria


Liquid Process and Facilities General Background

This W.W.T.P serves the city of Abuja, the Capital of the federal republic of Nigeria. At first phase of construction the W.W.T.P will serve a population of 700,000.

The plant will be extended in the future.

P2W prepared the general and the detailed design including process, civil, mechanical electrical and control engineering and general of supervision construction.


Basic Design Facts
Average Design Flow (m3/day): 131,200
Average B.O.D. Load (Kg/day): 66,000
Effluent Quality (BOD/TSS/N): 15/20/10

Liquid Process and Facilities

Main Process:
B.N.R Activated Sludge, low f/m (high S.R.T)

·   3 Archimedes pumps f2.4
·   Coarse screens
·   Fine screen
·   Grit removal
·   Oxidation ditches with 72 mammoth rotor aerators – 3,500 Kw
·   Final clarifiers
·   U.V. disinfection of effluent.
·   Effluent are discharged to river Wupa

Sludge Process and Facilities

Main Process:
Aerobic Stabilization

·   Stabilization within reactors (high S.R.T)
·   Sludge tank
·   G.B.T. units for thickening
·   Earth lagoons for dewatering


Shafdan Sludge Treatment Facility – Greater Tel-Aviv, Israel


The Shafdan WWTP presently treats approximately 370,000 cubic meters of wastewater per day, contributed by the entire Dan (Grater Tel-Aviv) Region.

The wastewater are biologically treated by the Activated Sludge process, characterized by a short sludge age, typically 3 days (SRT), while the waste activated sludge (WAS) is discharged to the sea through an outfall pipe.

According to a recently formed environmental policy, the discharge of WAS to the sea will be discontinued, replaced by an alternative system of sludge disposal.

P2W prepared the general and the detailed design of the sludge thickening and dewatering facility which will be required for any following process to be selected for the sludge disposal.

The services included process, civil, mechanical electrical and control engineering and general of supervision construction.


Basic Design Facts:
Volume of Waste Activated Sludge – WAS (m3/day): 25,600 – 32,000
WAS Solids Weight (Ton dry solids/day): 192

Sludge Thickening
Design Data
25,600-32,000 cum/day
1,280-1,600 cum/hr
0.75%-0.6% solids concentration
196 ton/day solids (dry matter)
9.6 ton/hr solids (dry matter)
Thickened sludge conc.: 4%-5%

Eleven (11) G.B.T units
Polymers facility
P.C feed and thickened sludge pumps
Electrical and control

Sludge Dewatering
Design Data
3,840-4,800 cum/day
192-240 cum/hr
5%-4% solids concentration
196 ton/day solids (dry matter)
9.6 ton/hr solids (dry matter)
Dewatered sludge conc.: 18%-24%

Five (5) decanter centrifuges
Polymers facility
P.C feed sludge pumps
Special, high pressure P.C pumps for dewatered sludge
Electrical and control



Hydro-Electric Projects


 El-Canada Hydro Electric Power Plant – Guatemala


General Background
This hydroelectric power plant is located along the Samala` river, in the southwest region of Guatemala. P2W prepared the detailed design including civil, mechanical electrical and control engineering and general of supervision construction.

Basic Design Facts:
Project Flow (m3/sec): 13.4
River Flow (m3/sec): 500 (return period 1:1000)
Head (m): 400
Electrical output: (MW): 47

Major Project’s Components:

Concrete weir with rubber dam
Conveyance tunnel (1,215 m long, 3/15 m diameter)
Regulating reservoir, 200,000 cum effective volume
Penstock, 2,280 m long 1.8 m – 2.2 m diameter
Power house, 2 GE 23.5 MW turbines. 2 synchronous alternators
Step-up transformers from 13.8 kv to 69kv
Overhead transmission line, 69 kv 4.2 km


Pipe Strips


Greater Tel-Aviv Ayalon Main Sewage – Israel


General Background:

The main conveyance sewerage system is owned by the Dan Region Association of Towns (sewage), serving a population of 2.0 million from greater Tel-Aviv area.

This system, designed to operate under various hydraulic scenarios and under various operation regimes, having a major role in the Dan Region Association of Towns sewage system.

P2W provided the general design, engineering coordination and the detailed design, and supervision at site.


Basic Design Facts:

  • Main collector, diameter 1,600mm, 7,500m long laid by pipe jacking methods along the Ayalon highway at varied depth between 6m to 26m, designed for a maximum flow of 7,200 m3/hour.
  • Ayalon Pumping Station including 2×3 pumps having a duty point of:   Flow: 10,500 m3/hour; Head: 62 m.
  • Discharge pipe 1,000mm dia. 4,500 m long and 1,200mm dia. 4,500m long.






 Mahanayim Reservoirs – Israel


General Background:

Mahanayim twin effluent reservoirs are located north to Rosh Pinna – Kfar HaNassi road, and west to the Rosh Pinna River.

Reservoirs are fed with effluent of a near-by WWTP and supply it to agricultural plantations in the region.


Basic Design Facts: